Al-Hamraa Insurance Company

Capital: Billion Dinar

Address: Baghdad / Arasat Al Hindiya / Al Hamra Building - next to Maxi Mall

Phone:0782132211 – 07700170016

Email Address:

Board of Directors



Yasser Sabry Abdul Rauf

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Mustafa Ali Abdel-Hadi

Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

Monther Abbas Ismail Al-Aswad

Managing director

Zainab Sabry Abdel Rauf

board member

Enas Abdel Hadi

board member

For Bab Sabri Abdel Rauf

board member

Affecting ratios

# Partner name Ratio
1 63 %

Financial Reports

News related to Al-Hamraa Insurance Company:

Contact us

You can contact us by phone, email or the following quick contact form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Thank you

Baghdad-Al-Mansour-Al-Mutanabi quarter-District 603-St.48

00964 7748202077