The Chairman of the Securities Commission participates in the meeting of the Regional Committee for Africa and the Middle East in Cairo

His Excellency the Chairman of the Securities Commission, Mr. Faisal Al-Haims, participated in the activities of the annual meetings and conference of the Regional Committee for Africa and the Middle East of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), which is hosted by the Financial Regulatory Authority in Cairo.

During the meetings, Al-Haims pointed out the importance of the role of the International Organization of Securities Commissions on the financial markets, stressing that it provides pivotal support in coordinating international efforts and enhancing the supervisory and development capabilities of the various regulatory bodies. He expressed his confidence in the ability of these bodies to play a greater role in creating fair, transparent and efficient financial markets.

The importance of the Iraqi Securities Commission’s participation in these meetings comes as a high-level international platform that allows regulatory bodies to exchange ideas and enhance cooperation to transfer expertise and review best practices and standards worldwide.


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