ELectronic Industries

Capital: 18,000,000,000 Iraqi dinars
Address: Baghdad - Karrada-Uqba bin Nafie Square
Phone number: 07841998711 -07710749400
Email: eic.iraq.2020@gmail.com

Board of Directors



Ahmed Sadiq Rahim

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Ahmed Abdel Rafe Yassin

board member

Rabab Abdul Rasoul Ahmed

board member- Ministry of Industry

Nadia Shawkat Najaf

board member- Industrial Bank

Hatim Sajit Al-Quraishi

board member

Wasfi Salman Kazem

board member

Ali Hashem Sabah

board member- Assurance Department

Affecting ratios

# Partner name Ratio
1 Department of Retirement and Social Security 17 %
2 Indutrial Bank 29 %

Financial Reports

Contact us

You can contact us by phone, email or the following quick contact form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Thank you

Baghdad-Al-Mansour-Al-Mutanabi quarter-District 603-St.48


00964 7748202077