Commercial Bank of Iraq

Capital: Billion Dinar

Title: Al - Saadoun Street,  building 121

Phone: 07805662835

Email Address:

Board of Directors



Mohamed Hamid Darrag al Darrag

Chairman of the Board of Directors

   Ahli United Bank of Bahrain

board member

Mirna Michel Salibi

board member

Jamal Taher Yahya al-Tikriti

board member

Mohamed Tamer Abdel Moneim

board member

Gulf Energy Oasis Company for Oil Services

board member

Hisham Zaghloul Muhammad

board member

Maha Abdel Hamid Mohammed

board member

Faisal Wissam Al-Haimus

board member

Affecting ratios

# Partner name Ratio
1 Al Ahli United Bank 80 %

Financial Reports

Contact us

You can contact us by phone, email or the following quick contact form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Thank you

Baghdad-Al-Mansour-Al-Mutanabi quarter-District 603-St.48

00964 7748202077