Announcing an auction

Sep 26th, 2022

The Securities Commission announces a public auction (for the third time) to sell the consumables belonging to it in accordance with the Law of Sale and Rent of State Funds No. 21 For the year 2013, the average value is (42.5 million) forty-two million five hundred thousand dinars.

Those who wishing to purchase may visit the Commission’s headquarter located in al- Yarmouk neighborhood at the beginning of the Police Station Street D/612 A/18 For the purpose of reviewing the details of the materials, those who wishing to purchase must bring with them legal insurance amounting to (20%) of the value determined for sale in the form of a certified check or cash. the bidding date will be on (9/29/2022), at ten o’clock on Thursday morning,

whoever is awarded the bid must pay the entire sale fee and service fee at a rate of (2%) of the sale fee, and the buyer is obligated to raise the Items within seven days from the date of payment of the sale allowance, and on the contrary, he will bear a delay fine reaches to (100,000) one hundred thousand dinars for each day of delay.

Hassan Hammoud Hassani
Acting Chairman of ISC

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