The Securities Commission issues its report on trading activity at Iraq Stock Exchange for the first quarter of this year

Jul 21st, 2020

The IraqiSecurities Commission issued, today, Monday, its report on trading activity at Iraq Stock Exchange for the first quarter of this year, which included many indicators and financial data for all companies listed in the market in Iraq.

The Chairman of the Commission, Dr. Alaa Abdel-Hussein Al-Saedi, said that "trades during the first quarter exceeded the 106 billion dinars in contracts that exceeded 22 thousand contracts in the seven economic sectors that make up the market, as the telecommunications and banking sectors topped those trades."

He added, "Although these results exceeded those of the last semester of 2019, there are many plans and procedures that the commission intends to take during the coming period once the Council of the Commission is formed."

He continued, that these plans and procedures "would increase these trades and increase the attractiveness of the financial markets in Iraq in a way that leads to their development, which will certainly be reflected on the overall Iraqi economy, which possesses many undiscovered constituents and reservoirs that constitute promising investment opportunities in the future."

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